Friday, July 9


She's idiot enough, seriously. how can she just believe in his words easily without any filter in her rational brain. cried too? Believe me, do not easy to believe, do not promise anything too hasty; perhaps you haven't think so carefully. So what? In the end, no one clear about the importance that the "Promise" will be. Do you guys "Promise" is really a Big word. You're just easily talk from your mouth. you know what, she delete him from her list so purposely, as can't bear to know about him. She felt that she's a fully idiot now when she face to the mirror that just beside her table. It's terribly like a stupid fella that used to smile when she received anything about him. (laughing without heart) Once the idiot girl saw that she's the one-sided, anything that build up in just a week crashed into the bottom of her heart. She has no idea what's she doing now. the heart is dredging again.  dredging again. seriously, its dredging again. empty inside.

She's watching the picture. what is she hesitating? she's no idea. she should just click the "delete" and "ok". She's crying when the song is playing. the dredging makes impact to her. She don't believe when people say:" I like you !" to her anymore. they're just fooling around again, she thought that again and again cowardly. because she's tired. Her heart is.................................................????

It's really about "She"

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