Tuesday, June 16

Fucking Chair

My hand is thoroughly paralysis. They didn't make any complainments for me anymore. I found they have each pet that is mouse. I GOT A TINY MUSCLES on my arms !! haha. is that a good news for me ? Didn't it looks so ugly? haha.XD. At least these symbolize that I've tried my best. Thats so easy to understand...

I just came back. supposed to be back not over than six o'clock but i step my feet in the house on 8 night. But we're still goyang2 and chit-chatting in Shenkiat 's house for almost an hour , before that KFC pulak. My right-knee get hurt without the rotten-canteen-chair. Oh Shit, the chair is rusted !!! Bless my health won't get rid by the tetanus. Okay, i get to stop here. the Salonpas is shouting me for using them for sticking them with the arms.
Bye and Good night ~

P/S : If I get the Tetanus, I'll complaints the school severely~ARGHhhh~

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