Tuesday, March 10

What the B*tch done

Oh gosh. What a stupid teacher we have. What the B*tich now ? and what the matter now? Did I say anything? Aikx. I just regret about when I talk about your good.Oh Sucks. That time I think I'm in the madness ! Insane situation. so that I'll talk such stupid damn foolish words about you. Haiz. Your sound just like the toad's sound. Always keep on annoying in the class. Ask about whoever that teached by yourself. who'll be the one that "love" you huh ? ARGhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

Forgive me please.

Let me calm down for a while.-inhale- -exhale- I just busy about my sejarah "stuff" .cant even let breathe or stay calm and open the book and study well. additionally,the band coming up again. A freaking abominable B*ITCH spoiled my mood. I just wanna knock her head to the wall, soak her head into the icy water, chop her head down into the pate. ..Kekeke..^,^Wah. Xu fuk sai. the words just now, just purely from my own opinion. I really didn't mean anything. Of course la, I won't be so cruel. Just to give off my emotion. Hey guys, or you all can try about this method to give off your unsatisfied. Its work lahh. Try to use the most vicious word to describe but please don't make it 假戏真做. it will be lock up arh. Okay. thats all for today. Tadaahh..(means bye )

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