Monday, December 15


Well, still remembered the older post that I'd promise : I'll FULLY RECOVER SOON..
And the deadline was : NOW !!!!!

Yeah~ I'm back...
I found He has HER ~
SO WhAT ???

Another DUDE was replacing me !!!!~

Ok...I can say that its a good news for me...
Since I've been try to let it go hardly
And get over the pain that YOU - THE STUPID FELLOW had just planted in it !!!
...Let me cool down~

-Using the relax tone-to write belows word
Can I say that I've got over all of those EXECRATE MATTERS???
When I saw his face , photos or whatever his "Stuff"
I just got an idea , that its :
" How come the world do have such a BITCH !!!! "


Mayb, you will say that I was totally an INSANE , MAD woman...
I will like to agree of it...^.^

P.S : The word above, purely from a person's opinion.

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