Thursday, July 31

Lets Shopping Bbaaaa

Shopping nehxx...
After school , we sit WC car to
Today me , Li shi and Wee chuan just like three housewives buy this and that ~!
Tissue laa....
Plate laa...
And Shhhh..... ( Cant say le Its a secret lai de aa )

But I want to COMPLAIN !!!
Wc 's car got Cockroach laa `~~!!!!!
Scared me and Lishi...
the cockroach "mengakibatkan" Li Shi cant sit well in wc car !!!!
We three just like a '''Shi Nai''' walk there and here to compete the prize and try to reduce the budget!!!
We gonna have PARTY this saturday soon
So Be waited baaa....

PARTY DETAILS ( not at all also ):
Venue : SMJK Kwang Hua
Time : about 12.00
Food : Its a surprise ooo...
Charges : Its free ... For you are f5 SMJK KWANG HUA BAND members and TEACHER ( If you're not PLEASE PAID !!! )

Me and Ah Shiie at "BEes "

Lets go to Kp baa ~!
Dua bao sui bao ~!!~@!
Ah Shiie Giant Trolley `!She 's taking my AMINAH job
ARHHh~~~~ Cockroach aa

Nice horr ?? delicious horr ? Cant eat leh `! Fatt aaaa !~
Want choose which leh ??

Wednesday, July 30

30th July oooOOX~ Who B'day nehxx ??

At here ~! Just wanna send Ah Ying a SOng ~!Everyone sing v me oooo...
Happy Birthday to you ~~~~~~~
Happy Birthday to you ~~~~~~~
Happy Birthday to Ah Ying !!
Happy Birthday to you~~

Now , here the Chinese version :


Continue v Malay version :
Selamat hari jadi
Selamat hari Jadi
Selamat hari jadi
Selamat hari jadi ( All the same horr ?? Haiya still can sing de laa 0

Lastly, 广东版出现了。。

AT here, Just wish my Ying Stay Pretty and study to be STRONG yaxx...
Dont cry out easily ~!!

Here is the Cake laa...Hope you like it !!

Tuesday, July 29

God Bless me in the afternoon ~! BUT NOT MORNING !!~

God Bless me in the afternoon ~! BUT NOT MORNING !!~

Today is my piano Examintion day xx~!
Oh ~! Before I enter the room , I have prayed for THOUSAND times to the ALLAH , JESUS, JESUS 's MoTHER , Guan Yin and so on ~ Just Bless me wont do wrong in my scales !!!
But , I think those GODS all out for lunch le ba.a...
Cant Imagine how my result !!!
The examiner was good , he wore a spec and always smile v me~

I just pronouns him like a THIN VERSION OF KFC UNCLE to my teacher when he ask me how the face of examiner ??!
Sorry yaxxx...=='' ( My examiner ) Pierre what what what !! (( Forgot his name lee ))
Came out from hotel , went home bout 10am only !!!
And continue-ing watch my movie through the internet !!
About 1.30 go out to have lunch v SL and ShinY at straight go tt!~
So embarrassed laa... Everyone wearing uniform ~! And me , JL and WS wear home t-shirt `!
Me the only gurlz wear house shirt !~@

WAITTt ~! Thanxx god for letting me found the CD SOUNDTRACK OF THE LEGEND !!!

I bought it when SL them buying food !~
Finally , I found it !!~

This is mine ~!@ Haha (^.^ V)

Sunday, July 27


How ??
This morning , My mama just drop down my CPU to the floor.~!?
How ??
and she say she wont repair again untill we just move the new house !!!
OH SHIT ~!~@
Arghhh ~~
Once she do it spoil and she no need to say sorry at all!!
But once we do it spoil or what we will gonna give her scold like helll !@#$%^%&*^&*

How ??
how to online always leh ??? to continue-ing watch my drama (( Fated to Love you )) & (( Doremifasolatido))??
So, I want a LAPTOP !!!!!!
I want a ADAPTER !!!!

Thursday, July 24

What a boring dayz

Today , My BC teacher just called us to bilik tayangan to study !~
So , what topics that she teached ?
ma take our class de essay to show out for us to discuss..
We dibahagikan to four groups : Spec Girls , No-spec girls , Spec boyz , no-spez boyz

When we just discuss about 贫穷导致青少年犯案。。
And we just discuss till those teenagers why will be criminal...Those teenagers will steel things arhh , murder someone or become '' da er long ''
Suddenly , teacher say till some of girls will come out to be a prostitute( means that sell their body Laa ,thats kind of jobs )

Yee Wen : Wei Hao , is that become a prostitute is breaking the law?
Wei Hao : Yala...
Yee Yun : Abo Leh ?? Are you sawing a prostitute need to have a lesen maa ??
Wen Ying: Hahahaha.....
Wei Hao : Hahahaha....
Yee Wen : She seems like very know in this category horr...( Means me laa !!)
Yee Yun : ....................







您用「傅毓筠」测算 「星座特征」的结果如下:

























Tuesday, July 22

Again & again ...

Today...What a busy dayz...
Raptai ~ Exam ~ Performance in UOB Bank ~ Exam ~ Writing Laporan ~ Tuition ~ Piano Class ~

Thats my schedule for today !!~
Busy nehxx..
When reach school , we have raptai-ed for bout half hours , walked and played like SUCKS !~ That moment , I just prayed to the "GoD' sincerely for blessing us make the performance sucessfully...

After raptai...All morning section just went back class to have their exam..!~
DAMN EMBARRASSED larhhh when me , Hong Kuan and Jelicia walked back to class , with the red red coat XX!~!!!

After taking the two papers , we rushed back again to band room for taking instrument and hat & "bulu"--> ( Cik. Noretna say de ) and sit bus to the UOB Bank ther...
You know what ??
This UOB Bank's performance is the SHORTEST performance that I had... Its bout 2-3 minutes only la wei....
Then back school le...OMgosh !@~
I think the guard also felt very weird that we just went out at 9.45 and came back at 10.15!~ Just 30 mins...
And only this 3 mins performance had exchange a RM1,000!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I ask Li Shi
Yee Yun : Eyy, can you call teacher let me see the money maa ?? It is in cek or cash har?? Or next time call teacher let us to do this kind of performance laa...
Li Shi : ......=='''( she are sweating larhhh although that time is gonna rain !! )
And I say again
Yee Yun : You see larhh...Only 3 mins de performance can earn for RM1,000 . "Berbanding" to the formation , we practice till like hell still dint have any bucks !!!
Li Shi : ...... =='''''''' ( dint say anything also and just look at me )

After packing here and there ... Went back to class and take another paper again ---> Science!~
Haha...we take the paper in Cik.Khoo period means EA laa...
We just cheating and making noise here and there when exam is in the process...
Me , Sear Yin and Khai Ping are taking the exam paper here and there to copy this and that !!~

Went back to band room lorhh.. after exam
Write laporan lorrhh v my dear..Shiwei~!
V Bahasa Melayu laaa!~
Haiz.... u know what ?? My BM is failure de la...
(( The teacher that read our laporan will tao hin hin , so SORRY for those who read the LAPORAN !! ))

Again & again...
The AGM is delayed again !~
SH__ larhhh!~
As this saturday is a school day@!!!( Stupid Pn. T_n )

Sunday, July 20

yesterday de ooo

Today just replace what had happen bout yesterday!~
As yesterday aa...Cant post anything maa...
Yesterday...a full of tired 's Saturday !~
I went school for practice bout 10am
( Before 10 where you going ?)
Piano class laa !!! Abo leh ? Wanna sit the piano examination next week lee !!! (( scare scare ))
Continue-ing saying bout Saturday !~
When reach school just saw all senior sit in band room for do NOTHING !!! OMG (( What happenings ?? ))

Then , chi-chap here and there and passing the score to those of them about half and hours !~ Finally , senior went section practice and junior come in band room for having theory class by ME !!!! (( Lets accept the destiny baa ~ Yee Yun ))

in the Process of Teaching theory , you knew what happened ?? COACH CAME FOR UNEXPECTED !!!

Everyppl face like saw a ghost !~
And I get called my coach to went up for watching him how to give them practice...!!

and half hours v the damn boring + dont' know what aim + meaningless de meeting !!
hahaha...and the whole afternoon is my happy day nehxx !~

Me , Win nie , shinie , long jiat and wee chuan went to eat steamboat that I introduced de !!
Kkekekeke !~ Everyone have their own furnaces !! So damn siok de !!

Win Nie & Shin Nie ask the same question :
" 这次好像是第一次跟yee yun吃horr ??"
And I say :
" 没有啦~云顶也是嘛!!"
After ate finish , we sit in the wee chuan 's car to JJ !~When sitting WC car , we laugh and laugh for joking WC car such as:

Your car will broke ma if I close it with a big strength or other than that larhh !!
We went to JJ as I wanna buy the soundtrack of THE LEGEND !@@ But made me dissappointed laa !! As it SOLD OUT lee !!!

We walk here and there lorr for a half hours laa !! And just pass by the ground floor and saw the VOIR group are doing PROMOTION and having CONTESTS !!

When we just walked in , and heard the MC asked for SPECIAL JUDGES!!
And also said that the SPECIAL JUDGES will some free gifts...
And know what happened next ???!
Win Nie just pulled me and WC to do the what SPECIAL JUDGES !~???
Hahaha... Ok lorr.. Just promise lorr.. As got free gift loo...
Oops...Havent say what contests is it !!~
The contests is bout those children design the shirt that wore in their parents body but have must have this four words !! ------> V O I R !! and thats all !
And our SPECIAL JUDGES job is to stick the stickers at the three shirt that we thought is creativeand beautiful !~
And the contest is bout four round and each round were taking 15 mins !!!!
When waiting them drawing !~ We just walk here and there to let the time pass faster !!

We went to see the FISH SPA and eating ICE CREAM!!!
Hiiuuu..!~ Finally the contests finished and we three get the free gift that is A PHOTO FRAME & A RM10 CASH VOUCHER !!!

After getting the free gift ma back home !~
WC then fetching the two NIE back home and also fetching me home lorr !~@

Thanxx yaa WC !~
What a Memorable dayzz with The two NIe!~

Eating hot hot staff ---> Steamboat !

Mine Furnace !~

Cant saw WC face !~ The smoke !!!! He are trying ~


The three impoirtant JUDGES @!

The contests

My Stickers and my card !!

Good job !! My sista !~ (( I supporting her de larhh ))

Sticking the sticker !~ Choosing the winner !!

" Is who forcing us to be the special juges ?? " " Is who made us waste our times ?? "

Eat laa !~ Eat till like that ??!

ARRhhhmmm !~

Our free gift and voucher S

Thursday, July 17

...Waiting Ohrxxx...

Hhhaaiiizzzzz....Just left bout 12 days for my piano examintion....
(Q)=Question (A)=Answer

Q : Soooo....? How ? How ? Your preparation ??
A :OK lorr.. ..
Q : Harr? Can past it v a merit or what ??
A : Woooo..Say seriously.. Are you expext-ing me get a distinction?? !
Q : Cant you ?
A : Hrmmm ...can!! Let me sit for the exam for another year again lar..
Q : What mood now ?
A : Wating for failure....

Kkkxxzz... Lets wait till the day of the examination come baaa....


Tuesday, July 15

Polictics ?? Oh no !!~

ARGgghhh !~ My hair ?? Get the stupid + something wrong teacher cut for a "chiok" of hair

Ohhhh... So regret that I say the stupid teacher good words in front my friends ??? (( What am I Doing ??? )) I think I'm crazy le !~

Today , after tuition...Just sit in front my computer and start again my internet journey le.. Today , gonna find some band song and !~ For tmr de practice !! (( Haiz...just prayed to the god that tmr the Klang will FLOODED , so that no need to practice ))

While i was eating my dinner , my mama started to ask me about your hair :
Mama : 爸爸,我听说有人的头发被老师剪叻。。
Papa : .....
Me : 你怎样懂得?我还没有跟你讲的叻。。。哥哥跟你讲的啊? 你们好回了meh ?
Mama : .....
Me : 不然你怎样知道?是不是哥哥跟你讲的?
Mama : ......
And my papa just pretend that don't know ... at continued eat rice , but his leg are kicking me la!~!!!

Hahaha....Sorry , mummy !! I was do it especially de !!Hahaha...just ask those question that she wont say it again !!~ Haha!~

After eating , my brother came back d ... And then everybody was in the dining room so that I can take my “饥饿30" de form to let them donate !!
The dialogue below are between me and brother:

Me : kor...帮我捐钱。。这个是那个饥饿30的,我要去!!但是要捐到100块才可以去!
Brother : 你觉得我现在有钱meh ?
Me : 五块钱也可以。。。
Brother : ( he eating sambil talk to me ) 不然酱啦,你借我十块啦,然后我捐五块!!要吗?
Me : Ok ...你可以继续持你的饭了。。。( just give him a white eyes !! )
Papa : Herkkk....没钱还跟人家带女朋友回来。。。一天到晚驾车。。。油不用钱啊?
Me : 是啦!还跟自己的妹妹借十块钱才可以捐钱。。。(加盐加醋。。。)

After my papa saying words, he jus hesitating for a while ... and then
Brother : OK 啦,我捐一块啦,你去爸爸的抽屉那里拿钱。。不要拿酱多咯。。我明天还要用的!!
Me : ......算了啦。。随便啦。。。我早就知道你会这样的啦。。!!

Continue my internet journey lorr.. after take money from my papa and brother ~!~
About 9.00 , I went to watch debate between what Anwar.Ibrahim and the what News Minister !! ?? My papa is telling me like that...
And the whole topics is saying Why the price of petrol will be increased for so fast and much ??!!! Thats all for today nehxx...

Lets have a try

心理医生说,图片与心理承受力有关,你的心理承受力越强,图片转动越慢。   美国曾经以此作为犯罪嫌疑人的心理测试,他看到的图片是高速旋转的,而大部分的老人和儿童看这幅图片是静止的。


I saw the two object turns slowly and also fast ~

Sunday, July 13

太王四神记片尾曲 - 许诺forgive me

by: Jun Suh
ost: The Legend (太王四神記)

amoo maldo mot haedo amooreotji anayo geudael bol sooman itdamyeon gajil sooga eobseodo manjil sooga eobseodo sirin gaseum hanbeon seureonaerigo chamanaejyo
eodi-e itneunji jal itneunji geudae haroga geokjeongijyo dalbit meogeumeun ae thaneun bameneun geu saenggage jal mot deuljyo

to dasi thae-eo-naneun geu naren haneuri heoraghagil baraeyoo ori-ei ilweojil soo eobseotdeon sarangeul

geudae gyeothae eobseodo geudae dwi-e isseoyo wero-oon geurimja dwe-eodorabogo sipheodo dorabwasoen an-dwaeyo han pyeom haengbokmajeo jool soo eobtneun nal phihaseyo han georeum doo georeum naboda deo jogeum seodoolleo georeogayo na-ei doo soni to na-ei doo bari geudae gireul makji anke

to dasi thae-eo-naneun geu naren haneuri heoraghagil baraeyooo ri-ei ilweojil soo eobseotdeon sarangeul

haneura nae sarangeul garyeojwo barama nae apheumeul nallyeojwo geudaega nae noonmooreul moreuge boothakhae

It doesn't matter if I can't say anything, as long as I can see you
Even if I cannot have or touch you
Truthfully, I should sweep away my heart once and withstand it
I worry about your days, where you are ... if you are well
On the suffering night swallowing the moonlight,
thoughts of you keep me from sleep
I want the heavens to give approval the day I am born again,our unrealizable love.
Even if I cannot be next to you,
I will become a lonely shadow behind you.
You shouldn't look back even if you want to
You must avoid me who could not give you happiness even for a little while.
One step, two steps, walk a bit more hurriedly than me.
So my two hands and also my two feet will not block your way.
I wish for the heavens to give approval on the day I am born again,
Our unrealizable love
Oh heaven, conceal my love, oh wind,
give flight to my pain
I beg of you to not let my dear know my tears

Damn Tired !!

Now is bout the midnight.Just take a bath and came back from Sear Yin party... Hiuuu... What a tired day manxx...My hand and eyes are so sour " like a lemon " ( means tired la )but still need to post up someting in seems like many days dint post up anything at here le...

In the morning of today, I wake up at 10am ... (Wow.. have a long time dint sleep for so late at home during SATURDAY lee)...just start loving my bed and must be awake le.. and fast fast v mama go HQ there eat the "Bai Kut Rice" and go tuition!~~ Now, damn hate to do add maths lessons nehxx... the stupid teacher Mr. Low is so annoying .. although he is EXPERT in teaching us Maths...And today , I SWEAR that I won't go at saturday v the couple !! Oh My gosh .. Just felt very embarrased v them nehxx..EXCEPT got friend laa.. ( yeewen lorr or who ) I also felt that Ying's bf like very bo song me !!! Haiz... So is the reason that I dont want go at Saturday !!

Just finished our lessons difficultly...and I went to Ying house lorr... We walk to Eng Ann eat "yao yao Bing" and see the magazine and walking here and there for bout two make the time past faster....When we wanna walk back , received Hong Kuan call... !! found that I forgot to bring HP... Oh !! Sorry Hong Kuan... hahah! She are waiting us at the bookshop for a quite long time !!

Then , bout 4pm sear yin came fetch us le...We go JJ buy cake lorr... Two cakes nehxx.. BASKIN ROBBINS & SECRET RECIPE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow.. One is Oreo Chips and One is the whole chocolates !!!! Then, I tell that to Ying : "I just scare that after today I will hate to eat chocolate !! " Ying say : " Wont la!! " When Ying and Sear Yin choosing cake , me and hong kuan ma go popular go watch some books !! This is the dialogue that I said to Hong Kuan :

Yee Yun : " When you saw me wanna buy books or any CD just pull me away and dont let me to buy ... K ? "
Hong Kuan : " I wont stop you buy de ... You dint felt that use money is such a fun ????!
Yee Yun : "........"

( I fall down to the floor and fainted !!~ )

Finally , went to Sear Yin house le !!! We three just stay at Sear Yin and play phone and see magazine !!! and then went down the dining rooms to play computer !! Don't know why , we three just go and see some ghosts video !!! Some is such a FAKE!!! But we are fear also... Sear Yin 's basketball friend try to frighten us !! And only me the stupid shouting like a horse while I'm watchin !!! And then , we just keep view others profile in friendster !! But , I felt that very boring larr!!! Coz.. her friends are those we dunno and we just have four us that are 4a2 !~! Boring boring boring till I call my papa to ask where is he ? Then he say are coming to fetching us !!!!!!!! So very dissappointing lor r!@!!

Then , I ma call Sear Yin fast fast cut cake and let me to bring it to yee wen lorr !! But she told me that her two BASKIN ROBBINS and SECRET RECIPE cake not at her house !!!!! at her cousin !!! Arrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So....soooooo????????????? The cake !??????????????????????????????? Haiz....

We went a party that dint have birthday cake to eat !!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh No !~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kiill the SEAR YIN arrrr@!!!!!
Sorry !! Yee wen your cake???????????!!!!!!!!!!!
Our cake ??????????!!!!!!!!!
Just hope that Sear Yin will keep some of them for us !!!!

Wanna cry le laa !!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The full of chocolate to SECRET RECIPE cake !!!

The ice cream cake from BASKIN ROBBINS !! Cant eat you !!~ Pity cake nehxx

Tuesday, July 8

Trying to SHOUT OUT what I feel

Very weird hor ?? To have two posts in a day !~ now is the night le... Just after eating and walkin around the house to find somethings to do...And also just explor-ing the friendster of my friends ... And just dropping a comment for my dear (Shiwei) ~:
Dear Ohxx...

Nowadays feel like nothing to do...
Seeking somethings to do~!
Just dropping you a comment to say "Hello"
Am I too free ??

Ah Po R here ..

Yaya..xx That my comment for her...... NOWADAYS FEEL LIKE NOTHING TO DO ...and SEEKING SOMETHINGS TO DO..this two sentences .. Is really wrote down what I've feel for these few days....I felt myself gonna lazier and lazier like a pig for do-ing band things and going for the practice. Always finding excuse to skip the practice...Felt guilty nehxx.. As I'm a AJK alsoo...((Haizz... Just felt sorry for Li Shi ))... ARRghhh !~! This scenario all happened after the stupid formation and also those more stupid peoples say that the AGM will REALLY held exactly after the formation .And also keeping remind us about that . Herkkkk.. Let me so expect that I can take off all the duty and responsible . So tired one years d...Aiksxx. ....

Below words are specially for the " Those Peoples" ( If you know who are them , just Shhhhhh... )
Please larhh..1st, just dont just keep remind us and done nothing...2nd, dont always say that we din't respect you all , and dont try to suggest us that our next generation will not respect you all when we're not try to respect you all BECAUSE WE JUST FOLLOW-ING YOURS' STEPS !!!! Are you all respect the last year graduate x-members !! No baa...`!~ So Please laa... )

And also today , finally I wrote my report bout the last time PELANTIK and also passed up to LI SHi ..` And I just told her that I could write so many pages but the report is not for her and also for the " Those Peoples " ... ArghHHH `!~ So I cant just write down that what I feel . The 2nd reason, is too much that I wanna complaints but lazy to write down!~Haixx..zx .. Just give up to write lor...

I think, during the AGM, the "Those Peoples" are wating us to say out ( like a wolf waiting the rabbit come out its huts )
But , we choose to be a dumb !!

Just trying to SHOUT OUT what I feel laar.. and NOT FEARING anyone of them to see about this ler.!~!


Scary ??!~

My classmates ( Ying , Wen and also sit beside me de Yin ) always scare bout after I wake up ...Becoz heard they say that they are so fear of my scary face when I wake up of giving ppl disturbing ... And a face like the whole world own-ning me money !! (( Is it true )) ??
And they say that today is the 1st day that I wake up v a smile face ...!!! (( Is that so scary ??? )) Mayb , I SUPER DUPER TRIPLE X 10000000000000 DISLIKE people disturbing me when I was sleep-ing , Hate the class people everyday shouting like horse or what ... and disturbing me v my bf ( in the dream La ) chatting ~! Sure will v a BUSUK face what .... Please forgive me guyz...
And also this reason , they so scare to touch my table or what accessories to avoid that I wont wake up !!~ (( Oh my God ??!~ )) Or, when they saw me feel asleep... they will make funny and noise.. to prevent me to sleep !!!

Now , I'm knoe that how scary am I !!!?
Am I ???!

Sunday, July 6


最近,astro 上演了一套戏《太王四神记》。。
终于忍不住每天只看一集, 所以就上网看咯。。。