Thursday, September 17


I love group conversation with my classmates in messenger!
Once the more you care about the person , the more you can't accept that he/she let you down. although just a few words, some foolish action, the rude attitude, the chillness act and the way she/he treats you, is such a test!
When you found someone that you care so much 'd change, (maybe i should say you feel its difference from the previous) any action that have done by him/her, is just a disgusted word! Agree?
After all this and that, i change my sight and thought as well. i don't even care much to anyone apart from me. I love myself more than everyone could. every essence and feelings are equally assign to both of you, i means friends! no one will exceed. its fair right? and it protect myself from be wounded. just because, I had take the lesson :(
Remember that!!! The more you care, the more vulnerable to injuries.

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