the time being now is 4.00am
i have a very huge impulse to cry
don't know why!
maybe just because some emotional music is currently playing
maybe i have only the short time for study
today i just read not more than two chapter of sejarah!
I had drink about one big box of milk and soya and fours cups of nescafe
just to make myself freshly!
Hello, is perday!
my hand is not functioning well
the nerves thoroughly get stucked together
im wondering my brain can load those stuff
Bani Umaiyah, Bani Assabiyah,Turki Uthmaniyah and whateva suckk.....etc
how could it be so trouble
please, i need alot of faith!
a thousand of faith!
a million of faith!!
thousand-of-million-of-billion-of faith!!!!!!
'' Por Yee Yun, which left a little tiny time to be progress! you must do a better job!!!''
-tell myself the always
P.S : my stomach got a lil bit trouble with the reaction between nescafe and milk!! (Throw up!)
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