Tuesday, May 26

Check it out.

Don't make me shove my foot down your throat.
Die ! Bitch !
Hope your penis gets bitten by a spastic tarantula.
Being a person like you means being a person like Mike Myers.
Your boner sunk the Titanic.
Your a skunk bag, your a maggot, your a lousy no good faggot.
Your face reminds me of that monkey that got rammed by a truck.
You no good skunk.
Yo' mama's so smart she bought an ant.
Yo' mama's so stupid she's stupid.
Rott in hell you little douche bag.
Yes, Mike Myers does own your arse.
Kill me with a Scottish tap dancer.
Your so slow a snail got laid before you did.
I hate you like Tina Turner hate white chicks.
Your cunt, your fag, your douche, your hoe, your dick and your bitch.
You faggot, you maggot, you cheap, lousy faggot.
I hope you get botox to cover your flat chest.
Roses are red, fags are blue, you smell like them, you no good fag.
Stop cussing me, your being embarassing.
kids these days.
Proof that pessimistic minds make a great country.
I don't need counselling, counseller's need me.
Your one sad pancake.
Cheap things starts from your tits bitch.
Your smell Paris Hilton's juice.
You have a nice face, can I sit on it?
Exams are the reason why suicide cases happen to kids these days.
Your suicidal, who cares?
Emo dipshit, get a life !

this written by my classmate-H_nley.
when us was facing the chinese paper.
I think he's teasing someone else .

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