Sunday, February 22

What should I choose ?

What should I choose ? This vexing problems bother me always. I extremely no idea bout what i interested the most. Always get convincing from my mother, shes hyphnotizing me :" CHOOSE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ! CHOOSE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ! IT WON'T DRIVE YOU TO THE WRONG WAY BUT RIGHT, AND ITS INTERESTING TOO..EVERYDAY GET COMMUNICATE WITH THE OVERSEAS PEOPLE and PLEASE DON'T EVER TAKE THE CHOICE IN ACCOUNTING. ITS BOREDOM FOR U !!!!" ARrghhh ~ confusing about the meaning of Foundation, A-Level, Degree, and whatever what what $%^**&... Sucks man, this irritating me ! What should I do ? What should I choose ? Always convincing myself, its too earlier for you to make choice now, just focus on your study and score the colourful result , and thats the only way you've your better choice, BUT.........So, I NEED HELP NOW ! I NEED A COUNSELOR ! I NEED CONSULTS BOUT THE SUBJECT, so I can sleep well every night ..

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