Sunday, May 17

Happy Birthday to all of you !!

Just back from Kien Sin's birthday's party. He suppose on the date of 19th, that will be next Tuesday. and today its the exactly the birthday of Chen Yee and Ming May one. So hope they have their new year and may their dreams come true always. Kien Sin too kay ?( for CY and KS, Happy 18th Birthday , you all gonna turn to adult and can done manythings )hehe

We take much photos at his house. as his house has many mirror and we can't even control ourselves as well. Sorry.We talk and gossip alot today. Laugh too. Especially WJ. We talk in the phone for almost one hour about any topic that we have. Friendship, Love and the Band's Stuff...She's a good listener for me and I'm a good listener for her too. I can't even predict that we can be so ngam keng la wei. haha. Before that, I thought she just like those girls , like to be pretty always, have the coquettish attitude and many things that can observe from her appearance. ( I'm so sorry about ) . But I'm wrong again and again !! She's different that those girl since she's from the class that din't have nice result. So, this can prove that I missed the sight again and severely. Although I can knew what you feelings about but often won't come true. Okay, I gotta close eyes and crawl to the bed right now. Upload those photos by tomorrow, if I can. Sweet dream, everyone ^^

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